
Will Writers.

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Welcome to Brighton Wills

Will writing does not have to be an expensive, stuffy experience you put off until it is too late. We make it easy to get experienced assistance from a friendly, approachable family run business. Start with a FREE no-obligation consultation with Will writer Jane Amos in the comfort of your own home.

If you have any further queries or would like to book an appointment with Jane, feel free to call on 01273 385833.

Jane is a fully qualified member of The Society of Will Writers. She will explain our process in detail and listen to your will writing requirements before ensuring you are aware of how to proceed if you choose to instruct us.

Our approach is a testament to the hundreds of satisfied clients who have chosen Brighton Wills to write over 2500 wills and lasting power of attorney documents since 2015. And for your peace of mind — we carry Professional Indemnity Insurance of £2 million — and we are always happy to provide references if required.



Our Approach

Our professional, yet non-stuffy approach is a testament to the 2500 plus Wills and lasting power of attorney (LPA) documents we have written for clients in Sussex and Kent since 2014.

And for your peace of mind — we carry Professional Indemnity Insurance of £2 million — and we are always happy to provide references if required.

Estate Planning Services

Will Writing

Will Writing

Making a will is one of the most responsible things you can do in your life. It takes decision making away from the courts and ensures your property, savings and personal possessions are distributed to the people you choose in the manner you wish.

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Lasting Powers of Attorney

Lasting Powers of Attorney

A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) makes provision for a trusted person of your choice to make decisions about your health, welfare, property and financial affairs — in the event you suffer from a loss of mental capacity due to accident or illness.

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Prepaid Funeral Plans

Protective Property Trusts

How to protect your children from potential disinheritance.
Protective Property Trusts ensure your children become the ultimate beneficiary of your property, regardless of whether someone inherits, remarries and intends to try and alter the conditions of a will.

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Prepaid Funeral Plans

Estate Planning

Estate Planning involves organising assets, investments, and ensuring your estate is distributed according to your wishes. An estate plan minimises taxes, legal fees, and court costs, providing peace of mind for you and your family.

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Family Trusts

Family Trusts

The simple way to protect your assets and put your family first. A family trust protects your wealth. It lets you choose how to benefit your family during your lifetime, and makes critical provisions should you die.

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Prepaid Funeral Plans

Probate Forms

Expert advice on probate, and how to avoid a costly, lengthy legal process. If you possess a will with an executor named to manage your affairs when you die, you have made a crucial first-step step towards reducing the burden of probate on your family.

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What can I expect when I get in touch?

You will be dealing with real people who have your best interests at the heart of our business. We know that contemplating the future when you are gone is not something many of us like to do — but our clients tell us they felt a fantastic sense of relief when they finally put their affairs in order.

If you would like to hear more we can arrange a meeting and provide you with a FREE no-obligation consultation. It is your opportunity to learn about the many ways of protecting your future, all based on your personal circumstances.

Book an Appointment With Us Today.

Start with a FREE no-obligation consultation with our Will writer Jane Amos in the comfort of your own home. Jane is a fully qualified member of The Society of Will Writers. She will explain our process in detail and listen to your Will writing requirements before ensuring you are aware of how to proceed if you choose to instruct us.

If you have any further queries or would like to book an appointment with Jane, feel free to call on 01273 385833.

Book an Appointment 01273 385833


Do will writers only write wills?

Whether you need anything other than a simple will written depends on your circumstances and how much control you would like over your affairs. We can quickly help you understand what you need, and if it is just a will, no problem — you will be taking a responsible step forward and we will be delighted to help.

Why should I make a will?

Preparing a will lets you choose how to distribute your wealth when you die — provides valuable protection for your loved ones — and ensures they avoid lengthy, stressful administrative procedures. If you die intestate (without a will in place), someone you barely know or dislike could claim your money and belongings. Relatives can raise disputes over their claim to your estate, and this can result in arguments and disagreements at an already emotional time. Children can lose their inheritance if your surviving spouse or partner chooses to remarry. And assets could be frozen or even lost to the state, causing your family significant financial hardship. However, making a will and including the correct provisions can ensure that your loved ones will receive the inheritance as you intended.

Should I review my will?

Absolutely. As children grow and relationships change, updating your will becomes essential. It doesn’t matter if your will was written originally by a solicitor either. We can make the amendments you need in a legally compliant manner and significantly reduce your legal costs.

Won’t my surviving spouse automatically inherit everything I own?

Currently, if you die without a will, your spouse will receive your belongings, the first £250,000, and a lifetime interest in half of the balance of your estate. On your spouse’s death, the rest will go to your children (if you have any) or to other relatives. However, you can choose who receives what, and under which conditions if you make the correct provisions in a will.

What happens if I make a will and then get married?

Unless the will has been made ‘in anticipation of marriage’ it will be invalid.

What happens if I’m living with someone but not married to them?

If you are not married or in a Civil Partnership, and jointly own your home, your live-in partner could encounter many problems if you die without leaving a will. They could find themselves homeless at a time of great stress, and they may not be entitled to anything in your name, even if they made a financial contribution.

Is preparing a will expensive?

A simple will should only cost an individual around £150. However, the cost to your estate and your loved ones could be significant if you die intestate (without a will). Probate is faster, and the legal costs are reduced significantly if you have made a will. If you do not have a will in place, probate can take up to two years and involve a lengthy court process and many thousands of pounds in legal fees before your family can gain access to your estate.

I want to be buried in the local churchyard when I die. Should I put that in my will?

Yes, you can make provisions for a burial or cremation in your will. However, many wills are discovered after the funeral, so it is a good idea to make your wishes known to your family before you die.

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