Will Writing Service in Berwick, East-Sussex

Protecting what matters most to you. Protecting what you care for is one of the most responsible things you can do in your life.

It ensures that courts are out of the decision-making process because you have clearly said how you want your possessions, savings and property distributed.

Once you have a will in place, you will feel a massive sense of relief. You will have the knowledge that you have created some order for a time that will be very difficult for your loved ones.

Make sure you do it in time! Make plans now to ensure your wishes are always followed in the future.

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Why do I need a will?

Passing without a will in place could leave your loved ones facing financial hardship, unbearable pressure and mounting legal fees at a time of mourning By protecting your assets and making it clear what happens to them, a will can reduce the anxiety that your family experiences. If I don’t draw up a will what can happen? Not many people actually think about what could happen in the years following your passing. Assets may be taken away by the state or frozen in lieu of court judgements, and also, if a surviving partner remarries, then it is very possible that your children don’t get the inheritance that you would have liked them to have. It is a common belief that is when there no will in place the spouse or surviving partner is bequeathed the deceased’s estate as a matter of course. The process through which this happens is not always easy though. It is surprising how common disputes are when relatives begin to fight over a deceased’s estate.


Why choose Brighton Wills?

Your best interests are at the centre of the services that we provide, and we strive to always be fair, open, transparent and humane in the way we deal with you. We are members of The Society of Will Writers, which administers best practice and the code of practice for will writing, and we always ensure we meet and exceed the stringent standards laid out by our professional body. Our professional, yet non-stuffy approach is a testament to the hundreds of satisfied clients who have chosen Brighton Wills to write over 1500 wills and Lasting Power of Attorney documents since 2014. And our professional indemnity insurance of £2 million should give you peace of mind, alongside reviewing some references from previous clients should you wish to peruse them.

Book an Appointment With Our Experts Today.

Will writing doesn’t have to be an expensive, stuffy experience you put off until it’s too late! Call us Today on 01273 385833 to discuss your options.

About Brighton Wills in Berwick

Our team believes that writing a will in Berwick doesn’t have to be overly formal or a dry experience As a business that is family owned we strive to provide a friendly, welcoming, professional service, offering appropriate, expert advice.
We have been assisting people in writing wills and providing estate planning in Berwick to happy customers in Berwick since our formation in 2014. Our full range of will writing services in Berwick Whatever stage you are at in life it is a responsible step to get a will written. Whether you are buying a property, making significant financial decisions, or simply want to feel secure in how your savings will be distributed in the event of your passing, making a will takes away any element of doubt and puts you in control.

We work to the standards of The Society of Will Writers who sets the industry code of practice and always have your requirements and best interests at heart. Our excellent reputation for will writing has been developed through our honest, open, straightforward approach, which has enabled us to write over 1500 wills. Our services include the possibility of making arrangements for Lasting Powers of Attorney (L P A).

You can then make a person you trust responsible for your financial health and welfare situation should you be unable to make good judgements due to diminishing mental capacity as a result of accident or illness. No matter whether you are buying a new property, taking a closer look at your estate, or simply planning for future, it is sensible to have a will at any stage of your life, and it is never too early to have a plan in place. Our will writing service in Berwick will always ensure that your exact wishes and your best interests are represented in the will produced.

Our Services

What Happens if I Don't Have a Will in Berwick

These arguments can cause a great deal of heartache, tension and force people apart when they should be together. Where there is no will, distribution of your assets will be according to legal guidance, and this may not be exactly what you want. Your spouse won’t necessarily inherit what you own if you are married with children. Rather, your state may be apportioned between your children and your spouse. If you aren’t married to your partner, then they may not get an inheritance from you. A written will in Berwick is a vital step toward protecting against any eventuality.

Book an Appointment With Our Experts Today.

Will writing doesn’t have to be an expensive, stuffy experience you put off until it’s too late!

Estate Planning Services in Berwick

As well as offering will writing, Brighton Wills also offer a comprehensive range of services related to estate planning. We can help you whether you need probate forms or family trusts, or want to have prepaid funeral arrangements in order to reduce the burden on your family at your passing.

Our professionals can sort out the legalities of Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) for you. If you have diminished mental capacity then you may need to have estate planning done by someone else trusted by you, and they will need LPA.

Keeping your will safe The way in which your will is stored and is readily accessible could make the difference between you having a legally binding and accessible will, or dying “intestate”, due to your will not being found or usable at the time of your estate’s distribution. Your will needs to be stored in a safe place where people can’t randomly find it, but where your executors will have ready access to it when the time comes and they need it. Your will must be found by your executors and must not be damaged in order for them to guarantee that the people that you want to get your money, assets and property will get them distributed to them as you desire. We will take a look at your requirements and give you advice as to whether you should use our will storage service, whether you should use the probate service, or whether you should give your Will to a third-party solicitor.

About the Society of Will Writers

The Society of Will Writers was founded in 1994 and has since grown to become not only the largest, but also the leading self-regulatory body governing will writers and estate planners alike. The Society of Will Writers provides ongoing training, and provides a self-regulatory function for the industry through thoroughly vetting potential members against very tight criteria and proficiency standards.

About IPW – Institute of Professional Will Writers

The Institute of Professional Will Writers, formed in 1991, is the recognised body for protecting and promoting the will-writing industry, ensuring that the public is safe from the unscrupulous activity of immoral or unqualified will writers.

If you are interested in finding out more about what Brighton Wills can help you with, get in touch today. You can either call us on 01273 385833, or email us at our address [email protected]. Will be more than happy to book you in for a free no obligation initial consultation.